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Katrina specialised in Fine Art at the end of her Foundation Course at Farnham Art college, completing with a Distinction. She then attended Cheltenham Art College and graduated with First Class Honours in Visual Arts, focusing on painting, printmaking and ceramics. She went on to win the prestigious Annual Newcomers Award for her artwork and is now a practising artist who exhibits and is available for commissions. Since graduating, Katrina has competed in the equestrian sport of eventing which includes the three disciplines of dressage, show-jumping and cross-country. Her exhibitions take place at major international horse trials which allows her to indulge her interest in both art and horses. Katrina also rides out daily for a local National Hunt trainer, which gives her great insight into the racing world. As long as she has had at least one spin around the gallops in the morning, she's able to concentrate happily at her easel for the rest of the day! Action shots courtesy of Al Crook. Please visit his great website www.alcrook.co.uk for eventing insights.
katie@katrinarichards.co.uk +44 (0) 1367 820449 (07733) 111989 |
Most recent revision: 17th September, 2008 |
Copyright © Katrina Richards |