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 'Big Blue Jug' See Gallery Below



Hand-thrown porcelain decorated with glazes Katrina developed at art college. Some are also hand-painted with cobalt-blue, which echo her line drawings.

The balance between functionality and fun has been carefully balanced, in hope that every piece will find a use in your home and offer an asthetic twist away from the everyday norm.

Individual commissioned pieces, such as personalised loving-cups for weddings, christening mugs with names and birth dates, are more than welcome. Katrina has hand-painted individual tiles and friezes for clients kitchens/ bathrooms too. Please email for more details.

















A Selection of Ceramics

(click on image to enlarge and view prices)
Pin-Ball and Iced-Cake Jug
Both 15cm High

Flowered Applique Mug and T-pot
9cm and 15cm High
Flowered Applique and Turquoise Ball-Ball Jug
14cm and 9.5cm High

Shake-A-Tail-Feather Jug
10.5cm High

Ball-Ball-Twist Mugs
Large Green Mug- 10cm High

Big Blue
White Earthenware
27cm High

Line-Drawing Mugs
Hand-Painted Porcelain
10.5cm High

Blue Flowered Top Jug
Hand-Painted Porcelain
17.5cm High
Line-Drawing Mug/ Milk Jug
Hand-Painted Porcelain and White Earthenware
Jug- approx 12cm High
Blue Twist Milk Jug
Charcoal Drawing
16.5cm High

Forest-Green and Turquoise Twister Jug, Mug and T-pot
10.5cm, 10.5cm and 14.5cm High

Loop-the-Loop Jug
White Earthenware
18cm High

9cm and 15cm High
Egg Cups
Hand-Painted Porcelain

Goblet Jug
17.5cm High
+44 (0) 1367 820449
(07733) 111989

  Most recent revision: 17th September, 2008
Copyright © Katrina Richards